• ClojureScript Usage

Start a the figwheel REPL:

$ rlwrap lein figwheel

Then open up a browser to http://localhost:3449/dev.html so that the REPL can connect to it.

Back in the terminal where you started the REPL:

(require '[cmr.client.ingest :as ingest]
         '[cmr.client.common.util :refer [with-callback]])
(def client (ingest/create-client))
(def ch (ingest/get-providers client))

The ClojureScript API uses the cljs-http library, so requests return a core.async channel. However, if you don’t want to work with channels, you can easily process results in a callback:

(with-callback ch #(println "Got response:" %))

Which gives:

Got response: {:status 200, :success true, :body [{:provider-id LARC_ASDC ...

If you don’t need the full response and are just after the data, you can do the same thing that the Clojure CMR client API does when creating the client:

(def client (ingest/create-client {:return-body? true}))
(def ch (ingest/get-providers client))
(with-callback ch #(println "Got body:" %))
Got body: [{:provider-id LARC_ASDC, :short-name LARC_ASDC ...}